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Test contract

đŸ’Ŧ Intent

Test contract or Contract-style unit test is a structural test design pattern that lets you define a contract for an interface and enforce it for every concrete implementation.

☚ī¸ Problem

Whenever you have an interface, you usually end up with multiple implementations. While these implementations have distinct characteristics that make them different, they should also share a common behavior as specified by the interface. This specification is normally expressed just by the required method signatures and types. But, of course, there are aspects of the specification you can’t describe using the type system alone.

That’s when tests come in. A set of tests provides as an executable verification and acts as a guarantee that the system under test actually adheres to the specification or contract.

The problem is though, that with multiple implementations, how do you ensure that they all adhere to the same specification?

😊 Solution

The solution is to formulate the specification as a set of tests, coded against the interface itself, in a single place, to be reused for each and every single implementation.

The approach that I like to use is based on test interfaces using default methods:

JUnit Jupiter allows @Test, @RepeatedTest, … to be declared on interface default methods.

JUnit 5 User Guide: 2.13. Test Interfaces and Default Methods

You basically create an interface with all the tests you need, defined as default methods. That interface is the test contract and can now be easily re-used for different concrete tests for your different implementations.


Thingperform(T): RThingContractFakeThingFakeThingTestRealThingRealThingTestspecifiesteststests


This example uses a UserRepository interface and two implementations, InMemoryUserRepository (a hand-rolled fake) and PostgresUserRepository:

UserRepositorycreate(User): Userfind(UserId): User?UserRepositoryContractInMemoryUserRepositoryInMemoryUserRepositoryTestPostgresUserRepositoryPostgresUserRepositoryTestteststests

interface UserRepositoryContract {

    val unit: UserRepository

    fun `finds user`() {
        val expected = unit.create(randomUser())
        val actual = unit.find(

    fun `won't find absent user`() {
        val user = unit.create(randomUser())

Note that there is no implementation specific code in here. Every test is defined using the UserRepository interface. In addition, there is no setup or teardown logic.


class InMemoryUserRepositoryTest : UserRepositoryContract {
    override val unit = InMemoryUserRepository()
@ContextConfiguration(initializers = [Initializer::class])
class PostgresUserRepositoryTest : UserRepositoryContract {

    companion object {
        val postgres = Postgres()

    internal class Initializer : PostgresInitializer(postgres)

        classes = [
    open class TestConfiguration

    override lateinit var unit: PostgresUserRepository

    private lateinit var jdbc: NamedParameterJdbcTemplate

    fun truncate() {
        jdbc.update("TRUNCATE my_table", emptyMap<String, Any>())

class Postgres : PostgreSQLContainer<Postgres>("postgres:16")

abstract class PostgresInitializer(private val postgres: Postgres) :
    ApplicationContextInitializer<ConfigurableApplicationContext> {

    override fun initialize(configurableApplicationContext: ConfigurableApplicationContext) {
            "spring.flyway.user: ${postgres.username}",
            "spring.flyway.password: ${postgres.password}",
            "spring.datasource.url: ${postgres.jdbcUrl}",
            "spring.datasource.username: user",
            "spring.datasource.password: password",

Transfer of confidence

You have two implementations, one for production that is too slow for tests and one that isn’t for production but is fast.

The test for your production variant gives you confidence for production. Since a test contract executes and verifies the same tests against your fake, you can now be confident that you can use the fake whenever you’d usually need the production variant.

The test contract allows you to transfer the trust from one implementation to another. In other words, it’s a way to verify the Liskov substitution principle.


There are some options you could use:

Abstract test class

While it works, it’s not ideal. You can only have one base class and e.g. some database testing libraries/frameworks require you to use class inheritance which is then no longer possible. Also, I’m not a big fan of inheritance and favor composition whenever I can.


… using instances of all implementations as the parameters. Technically doable, but it would also require to have all setup and teardown logic for all implementations in a single test - which will quickly become a maintenance nightmare.

Both of these also share the downside that one can’t easily split the tests up into smaller test classes, because one would need to repeat itself - a lot.
