Staged Builders
[..] often referred to as a wizard for building objects.
Another pattern that I like to use a lot is Staged Builder. The traditional implementation of the Builder pattern is usually not very safe against misuse.
It’s a pattern that helps with Compile time > runtime because it shifts validation from runtime to compile time.
Let’s say there is a builder that produces a User.
final var user = new UserBuilder()
// misses first name, which is required
The API of UserBuilder
doesn’t guide you how to properly use it.
The staged builder pattern introduces a proper interface, multiple in fact, without the need to change the builder implementation itself. Apart from the fact that it should be package private then.
interface FirstNameStage {
LastNameStage withFirstName(String firstName);
interface LastNameStage {
BuildStage withLastName(String lastName);
interface BuildStage {
User build();
See also Riptide: HttpBuilder
which includes an example of mutually exclusive paths.